Saturday, June 7, 2014

Liebster Award!

Today is not about the likes and differences of Minnesota and Oklahoma.  Today is about an award I received last week!  I was given the Liebster Award by my dear friend Jolene at Southern Fried Soul!  Thank you Jolene!  I am new to this so bare with me.  With this award I get to answer her questions and then spread the word!


Jolene is one of my dear friends who inspires me by all her running of marathons, being a single mom and a nurse! She has a heart of gold and likes to spread her joys of health and fitness with all! Liebster Awards are given to bloggers to increase readership…typically who have less than 200 followers, in order to help them grow.  Because I don't follow that many blogs, a couple of mine have more than 200 followers.  Again, being new to blogging I am learning!!!

Of course, there are rules:

1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.
2. You must answer the 10 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
3. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award (just not the person who nominated you).
4. You must create 10 questions for your nominees.
5. You must go to their blogs and notify the nominees.

So, here we go with the questions Jolene has given me:

1.  Why Did you Start Your Blog?  

We recently moved to Oklahoma from Minnesota due to my husband's job transfer.  In the short time we have lived here I have seen many similarities and many differences from the North to South.  I thought it would be a great way for me to share our experiences with friends and family, as well as letting people reflect and say, "yah...I see that difference!" or, "wow, I never knew that about the South (or North)."  

2.  Who is Your Hero?  

I would have to say my number one hero in my life is my dad.  He is an amazing man that has worked so hard his whole life to make my, my brother and my mom's life fun and exciting.  He is a man that has taught me to be strong, stand up for what I believe in and not let people push me around just because my opinion might be different.  I love how he has taught me to find a man just like who loves his wife and children more than anything, one that would do anything for his wife and children, and one that would help anyone out in need.  I have found that man in my husband!  Thank you dad for being my hero!


3.  What is Your Favorite Color?  

Well, I would have to say blue although I wear a lot of shades of pink.  But for some reason I am attracted to the different shades of blue. Maybe that is because it represents water and outside!  I love anything outside.


4.  What is Your Dream Job?  

My dream job would be a teacher...which I have been in many forms through out my life!  I started out as a babysitter/nanny (teacher) which I started when I was around 9 or 10 years old to 3 amazing boys who are all now grown men and one is even having a baby of his own. Wow, that makes me feel old.  Then I got my teaching degree and taught for about 7 years.  After that I became a mom (teacher!) to 3 amazing boys of my own!  Last fall I went back to the teaching field as a Special Ed. Para.  I fell in love with that aspect of teaching again and knew when we moved down here I wanted to work in the schools again.  Stay tuned...

5.  Dog Person or Cat Person?  Both?  

I would have to say I am a dog person but love cats too.  But ultimately I am a dog person.  I love our dog, Rogy!  He has been a fabulous dog!  He has endured the boys climbing on him, sitting on him and even laying on him!  He has been the best dog ever!  Not sure any dog could top him!


6.  What is Your Favorite Quote?  

Hmmmm...this is a tough one.  I guess it would have to be, "It is what it is".  Not deep I know, I am not a terribly deep person. But this quote I think explains me to a T.  I don't tend to worry too much and just realize that if things are meant to be they will be...It is what it is...


7.  What is the Most Delicious Food You Have Ever Eaten?  

Gosh, my favorite food would have to be steak.  I love steak!  My favorite meal is steak, baked potato and corn on the cob. Yup...definitely the most delicious food I have ever eaten!  I don't eat it as much as I would like to because I try to stay more healthy but when I do I definitely over indulge!


8.  If You Could Live Anywhere in the World Where Would it Be and Why?  

Oh this is a tough one.  I have never been to Australia and always thought it would be neat to live there.  But after spending 6 months in Alnwick, England for school I would love to go back and live in England!  It is so beautiful with all the castles, the sea, and the rolling hills.  I would want to live in Northern England, like Alnwick.  


YES...I got to live in that castle for 6 months!

9.  What is Your Favorite Trait About Yourself?  

My favorite trait about myself would be my honesty.  With me you know where you stand...and I mean that in a good way.  I don't feel I am rude about my opinions, just honest and outspoken.  Now, to some, they take that as rude and I may offend them.  That is not my intent, I just like to be honest!


10.  What Do You Do For Fun?  I love the outdoors so when I can be outdoors for fun that is what I do. Exercising, gardening, camping, hiking, playing with the boys outside...anything outside!  My favorite is to sit by a pool or beach, watch the boys swim and me dive into a good book!  

And that is it!  

Here are my 10 (9) nominees, sorry I only currently follow 9:

1.  Sarah @ Money Saving Queen
2.  Lisa @ 100 Days of Real Food
3.  Briana @ Bikini Body Mommy
4.  Vani @Food Babe
5.  Laura @ Healthy Not Weird
6.  Samara @ Simplicity In The Suburbs
7.  Helen @ Topical Thunderstorms
8.  Gina @ Skinny Taste
9.  Chalene @ Chalene Johnson

Here are my 10 questions:

1.  Why did you start a blog?
2.  How long have you been blogging?
3.  Who is the most influential person in your life?
4.  Where is your favorite vacation spot?
5.  What is your favorite meal?
6.  If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?
7.  What is your favorite outdoor activity?
8.  Do you have a pet?  Tell us about it
9.  What is your favorite movie?
10.  What actor/actress would you love to meet?

1 comment:

  1. HELLO!?!? You forgot to mention what an amazing "health" teacher you've been too! "Zumba", "Tabata", "Turbokick", "RIPPED"... Am I forgetting any? ��. You are a very gifted teacher, regardless of what you're teaching, you're a great motivator
