Thursday, May 29, 2014

Creepy Crawlies

Here in Oklahoma the bugs are abundant and I am starting to get the ebee geebee's!  EEEK!  I found this in my house this morning: 
This is a Grass Spider!  YUCK!  They are not small. The boys spotted it this morning while grabbing their back packs for school.  At first I thought it was a Brown Recluse...which mind you is poisonous!!!  But here is a Brown Recluse:
Not small either and even worse...POISONOUS!!!!  Phew, glad what I found was "just" a Grass Spider

Another bug that is abundant down here are the Rolly Polly's.  The kids love them, not sure why, but they are fun to play with I guess because they roll into a little ball when played with.  I was at the boys school yesterday and all the little girls were digging in the dirt and wood chips to find them and had a whole mess of them!  See below:
Me, again I think they are quite disgusting. They are harmless and usually you just see them crossing a sidewalk or driveway but when digging out weeds and I come across them they give me a jump!  I know, I am a wimp!

Last but not least is our other poisonous spider that everyone keeps telling us about...the Black Widow.  I have not personally seen one but the boys have at friends houses!  I don't WANT to see one either!  YIKES!  But reality is I am sure I will.

These are just a few of the creepy crawlies we have to deal with down here.  A positive for Minnesota is we don't have all these critters!  Just MOSQUITOES and I have to say I am quite happy I have not encountered the mosquitoes yet, which is amazing! 

It is a whole new world when it comes to creepy critters down here!  I will need to "man up" and get over it.  I will also make sure to keep up on the exterminators coming out!  Something us Minnesotans are not used to!

1 comment:

  1. You know, the Oklahoma Brown Tarantula makes a great pet! :oD
