Thursday, May 29, 2014

Creepy Crawlies

Here in Oklahoma the bugs are abundant and I am starting to get the ebee geebee's!  EEEK!  I found this in my house this morning: 
This is a Grass Spider!  YUCK!  They are not small. The boys spotted it this morning while grabbing their back packs for school.  At first I thought it was a Brown Recluse...which mind you is poisonous!!!  But here is a Brown Recluse:
Not small either and even worse...POISONOUS!!!!  Phew, glad what I found was "just" a Grass Spider

Another bug that is abundant down here are the Rolly Polly's.  The kids love them, not sure why, but they are fun to play with I guess because they roll into a little ball when played with.  I was at the boys school yesterday and all the little girls were digging in the dirt and wood chips to find them and had a whole mess of them!  See below:
Me, again I think they are quite disgusting. They are harmless and usually you just see them crossing a sidewalk or driveway but when digging out weeds and I come across them they give me a jump!  I know, I am a wimp!

Last but not least is our other poisonous spider that everyone keeps telling us about...the Black Widow.  I have not personally seen one but the boys have at friends houses!  I don't WANT to see one either!  YIKES!  But reality is I am sure I will.

These are just a few of the creepy crawlies we have to deal with down here.  A positive for Minnesota is we don't have all these critters!  Just MOSQUITOES and I have to say I am quite happy I have not encountered the mosquitoes yet, which is amazing! 

It is a whole new world when it comes to creepy critters down here!  I will need to "man up" and get over it.  I will also make sure to keep up on the exterminators coming out!  Something us Minnesotans are not used to!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Yesterday I was driving down the main "drag" of Broken Arrow and South Tulsa, 71st/Kenosha, to go run some errands. I was stopped at a stop light, right by Eddy's old Apartment.  It is a busy spot.  I noticed these guys running around from car to car.  I could not figure out what they were doing.  Then I saw one with a Fire Fighter Boot and people were putting money in the boot!  My first thought, "ummm...are these guys legit?"  Then I saw their uniform and figured I should donate.  So I, like the many others, rolled my window down, waved my hand and donated a couple dollars.  The Fire Fighter handed me a sticker that said I just donated to Muscular Dystrophy!  It truly made my day.

This is something I have never seen in Minnesota.  I thought it was so great! Another reason to love those Fire Fighters!

I personally want to every Fire Fighter I know as well as the ones I don't know for all their hard work and dedication!  You men and women are amazing!  Thank you for putting your lives on the line every time you get that call!

This is a picture of one of the Fire Fighters collecting money!

My Sticker!

Friday, May 16, 2014

No Lottery Here!!

Today was the second grade and Kindergarten fiend trip to the zoo!  The best part...and difference from Minnesota...NO LOTTERY SYSTEM!!  I got to go!  And even better...I got to be with both Wyatt and Ben!!  

In Minnesota we had a lottery system for parent volunteers on field trips. No haven't been on a field trip withy kids since Will was in first grade.  Today I got to go because any and all parents are welcome!!!!  AND...I for to be with both Wyatt and Ben. It was such a great day and a great zoo!   We will definitely be going back!!!!

Here are aome photos of our day...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Smile and A Wave Goes A Long Ways

Post number 2 for the week!  I am on a roll!  I am trying to spread out my posts but I am learning and seeing so many differences!  It is fun to see all the differences!

Today I was out walking with a neighbor/friend. This is the second time we have walked this week and it feels SOOO good to get in the groove again.  She is such a sweet heart and I am so happy to have her to walk with and call her a friend!

Anyway,  We walked for an hour and a half.  We just have so much to share with each other that we lose track of time and of where we are. LOL!  As we were walking every person or car that drove by us waved.  I didn't know these people so I was assuming Lori probably knew them. Around the 5th car that drove by, which had an elderly couple in it and the woman was waving an smiling so big, I asked Lori, "do you know them?"  Lori said, "no, they are just really sweet!"  I then asked, "have you known any of the people that have waved to us today?"  She answered no.

I am amazed at how friendly people are here in Oklahoma.  Again, another love!  Every time I have been out and about people smile, say hello, wave, hold doors, etc. even when you don't know them.  also, everyone is so willing to help.  All the people we have met have been so helpful and it is just great!  Another big difference from Minnesota.  Not that people aren't friendly in Minnesota...we do have the "Minnesota Nice" claim to fame, but I do have to say the majority are not as nice as they are here in the South!

It really makes a persons day when someone says hello to you or just smiles.  I am learning that it makes me feel good and I should do it more often!  So, I challenge you all to do the same!  When you are out and about...say hello, smile, hold doors, wave, etc. to people you don't even know! You never know what you will do for someone!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Sports and Coaches

First off I want to say I am not trying to offend anyone in this post.  That is not my intent.  My intent is to show the differences I have noticed with the sports in Minnesota compared to Oklahoma.  It is quite least from my experiences so far and honestly I like the way they do it here!

The coaches that the boys have had in the short 3 weeks that we have been here have been AMAZING!  They welcomed our boys like they have been here forever, they made them feel like one of the team right away.  Even the kids were so excited to have some Minnesota boys on their teams!  Will has even earned the nick name "Minnesota" from his Lacrosse team!

One word...RESPECT!  This is one big difference I have noticed from the coaches down here compared to up in Minnesota.  Mainly, how they speak to the kids and how they expect the kids to speak to them.  All the boys have learned to say, "yes sir" and "yes mam" quickly.  All the coaches expect it to be said.  I love it!
Another difference is the discipline factor.  If one team mate isn't pulling his weight the whole team pays. They need to "run to the pole" or "skate longer and harder" down here.  In Minnesota I am sure this is true with the upper ages of sports but at the ages our kids are way!  I have not experienced this with my boys in their Minnesota sports.

Oh...and...the coaches say it how it is!  One coach would often say, "are you hurt or injured?"  If the kid answered hurt then he says, "then get up and get excuses".  Another coach, regarding a player who was not pulling his weight at one practice, "You are acting like you have a debilitating disease or something!"  LOL!  I thought, as well as all the other parents, was quite funny!  It made the kid work harder!
Now, some of you may be saying, "how dare they" or "those poor kids" or "I would go to the hire ups about those coaches."  Not me!  I saw how hard all those kids worked and it was because those coaches push them to work hard and they love it!  In Minnesota, of all the sports my kids have played, they have never been pushed so hard!

I want to give the Minnesota coaches some Kudo's.  They are amazing as well!  They relate well to the kids, they know their information and they have fun!  The coaches down here in Oklahoma do too!  As hard as they are during the practice or game each coach has walked up to every player on their team and gave them hugs and told them how hard they played and how proud they were.  I didn't hear too many coaches saying that to our boys in the sports they played in Minnesota.  A select few, but that is it.

One last difference and I debated on putting this in for fear of offending someone.  But again, that is not my intent, it is just to show differences.  One of the boys on Will's lacrosse team wore a feather in his helmet during a game..  If this was EVER done in Minnesota. parents and spectators would have been in an uproar! They would have brought it to the board or something to complain.  I thought it was great!  What a team player.  Now, this boy is Native American too so that makes it more okay; but again in Minnesota this would have NEVER happened!  And to top it off, not one stink was made about it!  GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!

The moral of this post...Minnesota is way too PC!  They need to relax and not be too worried about offending someone.  They need to teach those Minnesota kids more respect towards adults and teach them how to be team players and work hard for their team.  I am proud of our boys and their teams. They all play hard and work as a team, not as an individual!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Reduce Reuse Recycle

A big difference we have noticed here in Oklahoma is people do not recycle on a regular basis.  You may have your occasional person that recycles but there is not a weekly/biweekly service that comes to your house like in Minnesota. For something that was so hard to get used to years ago when Minnesota really started recycling, it sure is hard NOT to recycle now here in Oklahoma.  Everything I throw into the garbage I feel bad about.  :(  And the amount of garbage we have...WOW!  Especially with moving...all the boxes and paper...WHY is this not being recycled.  Wyatt even asked me the other day, "Mom, where do I put this bottle to recycle it?"  "Well Wyatt, we don't recycle here."  Wyatt responds with, "WHAT?  That is so bad!  We should be recycling!!!"  Yes we should!  Again today, after grocery shopping and buying granola bars, etc. that come in a box I was reminded I need to figure this dilemma out.

So, this prompted me to do a little research. There is a recycling facility here in Broken Arrow that we WILL be using!  I just need to go get some bins to start the process.  For those of you that are reading this in the Broken Arrow, OK area here is the website you can check out to start your recycling.

It is called:  
The M.E.T     (The Metropolitan Environmental Trust)

Although this will be more work for us I am looking at the positive side:  CHORES FOR THE BOYS!!!!

Here's to Reduce Reuse Recycle!